Monday, April 8, 2013

Autism - iron and oxygen deficiency at birth caused by early umbilical cord clamping

Although it is not clear what is or are the causes of Autism, and we understand that correlation is not causation, we believe that it is important to publish research that may be useful and have easily implemented recommendations in treating, or even better, preventing a condition. On this line of thought there are interesting studies linking Autism with a deficiency of iron on the mother and/or the baby, and on the interruption of blood flow from the mother to the newborn baby due to early umbilical cord clamping.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Study concludes that Exercise is as effective as Zoloft Treating Depression

This was a seminal study done at Duke University in 1999 under a grant from the NIH. Although this study is not new, there are now many studies that support its conclusions; however, as of today its conclusions are not widespread enough in terms of its use as a drug replacement treatment, whenever possible.